The latest copy of the distribution list is February 2025.
The ATA Distribution List is one of two distribution service documents that the Association publishes each month. The other one is the auction catalogue.
The Distribution List aims to give readers a list of current timetables, maps, information brochures and manuals that they may wish to add to their collections. It may also include interesting timetables and documents from the past as well as reports and back copies of transport magazines.
The Distribution List is published monthly and is available by post and by email or by both formats. For details of how to organise this, go to Membership.
Members, as well as non-members, can order items in the Distribution List at a nominal cost to cover compilation and postage expenses. Digital copies of many timetables are available by email or on CD/DVD.
Members can contribute items for inclusion in the Distribution List. They are encouraged to contact the Distribution Manager, , if they can obtain print copies of current timetables, or if they know of new timetables that are available on websites.
The deadline for contributions is around the middle of each month. This gives time for the next month’s issue to be compiled and sent to the proof-readers before the printing deadline which is the Sunday before the last Monday in the month.
Digital copies of past Distribution Lists are available on this website. Go to Back Copies.